
Monday, September 26, 2011

Unakka Chemmeen Chammanthi

  • Dried Prawns/Unakka Chemmen -1/2 cup
  • Freshly Grated Coconut - 3/4 cup
  • Dried Red Chillies - 7 or according to ur taste
  • Shallots/Cheriya ulli - 5 nos
  • Curry leaves -4-5 nos
  • Ginger - 1"piece
  • Seedless tamarind - A small marble size
  • Coconut oil - 1tsp
  • Salt - to taste
  • Remove head and tail of the dried prawns. Wash properly and drain it well.
  • Heat a pan and fry the dried prawns.
  • Fry them in medium heat, when roasted(crisp) transfer this to a bowl.
  • Now fry the dried red chillies and small onion in the same pan for 1-2 minutes.
  • Then add all the fried prawns ,grated coconut,dry chilly ,shallots ,curry leaves tamarind,ginger and salt together in to a jar of the mixer and crush them.
  • No need to grind too much.Just crush well.
  • We need everything to mix together. That is enough.
  • Check the salt.Finally pour 1tsp of coconut oil to the chammanti and mix well.
  • Serve as a side dish with kanji or rice.