
Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Paper Craft:Krishna

krishnan (4)

I really enjoy this paper cutting of Lord Krishna picture was quiet a task as it requires precision.

krishnan (2)

Paper cutting is supposed to be famous all over the world. I cut this file using Silhouette Cameo Electronic Cutting Tool.

ente kannan (1)-krishna

This cute black and white Krishna Picture will be very nice in Living room or Pooja room.

ente kannan (3)-krishna

Using household glue, I attached the Krishna picture and flowering branches  on a 12*12 inch white Cardstock.

krishnan (5)

I attached the white Cardstock with Krishna face and flowering branches to a thick 14*14 inch cardboard ( so I got a thick base). Then I framed this beautiful picture using old vinyl blind (glued vinyl blind in all sides of the cardboard for framing the picture).

krishnan (6)

Paper-cuts are chiefly used as decorations. I really enjoy paper crafts for several reasons. First, there are so many things I can create from a few pieces of colorful paper or card stock.  Another reason is paper crafts are economical and easy to store.  And paper crafts range from simple to complex. We can use recycled papers, tissue papers, magazines, wrappers, envelopes and cardboard containers for paper crafts.